Stations of the Cross
ALL Fridays during Lent at 7:00 pm
Good Friday at 3:00 pm

Stations of the Cross are a beautiful expression of the core of our faith,
which is that Jesus embraced the dramas of every human life, our triumphs and failures,
our joys and sorrows.  In the Stations. we remember how the Lord is with us, especially when
we seem to be stuck and have lost the way forward.  
He walks with us, trips with us when we stumble, and helps us to our feet again.


Youth Living Stations of the Cross will be presented
Fridays, March 28th, April 4th & April 11th

Join the Youth of our parish in the Worship Space as they
continue the tradition of a prayerful dramatization of
the Stations of the Cross enhanced by beautiful music.
